Sunday, April 14, 2013

nakkk NAKKK nakkkk!

subhanallah. comel sgt senior nieeeeee! comel gilakkk weh. actually ta penah taw pon and ta knl pon. tp kina lah nieeee. pegi tunjuk blog dyeeeee. issshhhhhhhhhh!
ta pasal pasal aku da jeloussssss! HAHA :D

dye kuros ohhhhh! seriously, comel org nyerrrr. da lah doc-to-be, aminnn. "kite doakan awk wahai seniorrrrrrr!" :)
aku nakkkkk sgt jd mcm dye. cita-cita pon dah same. tp stage kite ta same. dye lg setapak je lagiiiiiii. tp aku? haaa aku lah! byk sgt tapak-tapak nyer. penat mmg penatttt tp, nie jln yg ak choice so, just move onnnnnnn.
eh eh, actually ak na cter lain. senior nie dulu chubby taw. tp chubby-chubby comel gituuuuuu :P tp aku nie takkkk. chubby-chubby comot gituuuuu! :( maybe nie ketentuan Dia kot. alhamdulillah, ak bersyukurrrrr but then, bole kan na berubah utk sihat? hehe. mcm yg senior tu ckp lah. nak mencegahhhhh. 

HERBALIFEEEEEEEE. produk nie bagos. mmg menjadi dekat semua yg cuba taw. tapiiiii, knp dekat ak mcm tade ape ape effect jeee :( sedih jugakkkk. jd org gemok nieeeee, kene tabah taw. kene pndai pekak kan telinga taw taw taw. pndai buat fake smileeee. fake laughhhh. tp ak ta simpan dlm hati sbb buat apeee? mmg da betol gemok kann? KAH3x :D ak just ambik bnde tu smue mcm nak cabar aku lah konon. fight for kurossss! hihiii
tp bile bace je BlogSeniorKite nieeee, ak nak move onnnnn! nak diet balikkkkkk! seriousssss, aku nak kuros+sihatttt! hehe. insya Allah bole kot kali nieeeee :P
senior tu ckp, dye pon dulu pkai dwet sndiri jeeee. then, ak nak kumpol dwet sndiri lahhh. ta nak susah kan mak and ayah. biar lah baru rase susah sikitttttt. tadek lah nak jeeee dpt! nak jeeee dpt! hehe
okay lahhhhh. dah releaseeeeeeee, cool! :)
SOOOOOOOOO, now i have to try to lost weighttttttt. amin aminnnnn ya Rabb.

"Tanpa usaha dan keberanian, impian takkan menjadi kenyataan. jadi berusahalah tanpa mengenal erti putus asa"

#copy&paste from seniorrrrr :P 

1 comment:

  1. assalamualaikum jom join G.A besar besaran by O.S.M . jom jom . anda di tag #efa fahana . review juga hadiah dia memang best .
    tagging :


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