okay, esok kan 1hb. new year lah kan?? but, i don't want talk about that! sbb yg lg penting is my lovely sisters na masok sekolah dahhhh, yeaayyy!
utk adk aku yg form4 tu ta risau sgt dah, dye kan da jd senior next year! so, she can survive for herself, insya Allah. apepon, kakngah doa kan yg terbaik utk kakchik taw. study leklokkkk. spm nie focus sikit okay! don't be like meee ;( hehe. awk tu nak spm dahhhh! i know, you can be the best! ;))
and ta lupe jugak, I LOVE YOU KAKCHIKKKK!
dan sorg adk aku nie, kakteh, yg buat aku risau dekat dye nieeee. next year *oh, esok je pon next year nyer* adk ak nie akn masok ke boarding school. ak risau lah dekat dye sbb dye mcm ta brape ade selfconfident utk duduk dekat asrama tu. hmmmmm
apepon kakteh, asrama pon best jugak even skolah awk mcm... hehehe. tape, skolah tu burok ke cntik ke, tadek effect nyer study awk! awk just study je dekat situ okay! bangga kan mak dgn ayh taw!
and to you, i think.. you can be much more better than me! ahaks ;D
dekat sane jgn lupe solat pulak! kalo mak ade mase free ujung-ujung mggu confirm mak g lawat awk lah! okayyyy?
p/s : i love you both very damn muchhhh! ;-*
sister forever! ;)