Sunday, May 29, 2011


(decorative image)
In life every one will meet many people that say that they are your friend, but you will make only a few true friends. What is a friend? In the dictionary a friend is defined as one that is not hostile, or one attached to another by affection or esteem, a favored companion. In my opinion a friend is much more than that. A friend is some one that will stand by you, even during the toughest times. To me friendship is about believing in your friends and helping them to achieve all they can or want to do in life. We are there for each other with hugs, advice, kind words, fights, and anger, whatever comes along. When the day ends, we are still friends who have each other no matter what happens.
Best Friends Forever :)
We all have a desire to have friends. It is what makes us reach out of our shells and take the chance of being hurt. It is not easy figuring out who is a friend and who is not. I believe Fatimah (not true name), to be atrue friend. We meet in high school and have known each other for six years. Fatimah and I have been through many good and hard times together. In addition, we have experienced so many adventures together, such as traveling to Kuantan with her motocycle where we shared so many enjoyable adventures.
*actually, that was when she got license for the 1st time :)
 Are friendship has done nothing but grow and continues to do so. 
I consider Fatimah to be a true friend. A true friendis there for you when you need them. To have a true friend is a remarkable thing. To find someone that sharessimilar interests, who cares about whom you are and what you are doing. A true friend is there for you when you need them. Someone who you are not embarrassed to cry in front of, who you can tell the deepest darkest secrets to and know they will be safe. An old rule of thumb is that a true friend is someone you can call after months or ever years and speak as if not a day had passed.
True friendships come along so rarely, and I am so thankful to have met her that we must move past anything that threatens them and see the big picture. Without our friendships, we are indeed lost. Whatever happens, we should always keep our true friends close to our heart. Tell them how much they mean to you. Do not let them slip away. If they do, go out and get them back. The bonds we make during these days will serve to keep us going in the months and years ahead.. :)
why i choose Fatimah?? bcuz, i love that name :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

yess, this is for u.. :(

psssst pssstt ppssssstt!
korg korg, ak de citer na share nie. hee~ meh dekat dekat, ak na citer. dgr betol betol taow! HAHA :D
ehh, lupe plak! ak nie selok na citer smpai lupe na bg salam. ngee~
assalamualaikummmm korg! :)
okeh, citer dye mcm nie taow, ptg td ak jmpe kwn baik ak. y ak palingg sayangg! and most important, dye fhm ak 100%!! 
dye mmg sgt memahami ak. kteorg slalu together-gether taow. ta penah b'pisah langsong! g mane mane pon berdua. huu~
mmg mcm pinang di belah dua! ehh ehh. silap silap, bagai isi dengan kuku :)
hehe :D *marah plak Mr Yoyot. sury!!!
tp esok dye da na pegi. dye na g futher stdy dye ke UITM Jengka. okeh, esok kteorg stat berpisah and ta kn lg dpt stdy same same! and ta kn lg dakat lepak same same! and ta kn lg dpt jumpe slalu! and... eh, bpe byk pye and lohhh! hee~
tp senang ak ckp, kat mane ade ak, kat situ ade dye! hee~
haa! na taow satu sjarah kteorg tak. hee :) mase kat hostel dulu kn, kteorg nie jenis y mls turon solat suboh berjemaah taow. tp kteorg still solat OKEH!!!! :p
de satu ari tu kteorg TERkantoi then warden kteorg pgl name kteorg dlm smue budak aspuri. *mmg tebal muke kteorg! HAHA
warden kteorg ckp cm nie taow... "name org ta turon suboh. efa! (ak pon berdiri) haa, matun! (matun pon berdiri) eh korg nie. kalo saya sebot name efa, tentu matun ade skali, kalo sebot name matun plak, efa mesti ade skali.. bla3x"
mmg lawak lah mase tu. tibe tibe budak budak aspuri gelak. tadek lawak kot. tp care cikgu ckp tu... hee~
so, korg dpt nilai an, mcm mane ak rapat ngn matun nie.. even family ak pon smpai ckp cm nie td.. "cm ne awk na stdy nant kakngah, matun kn kat jengka! hee~"
insyaAllah, kami boleh survive. kn matun kn? :)
huh, kalo na citer sal minah nie mmg pnjang gler lah! smpai bpe post pon ta kn abis nyer! sbb byk sgt kenangan ngn dye :(
ehh, nie pic kteorg! mase raye ramai ramai ngn senior y tersayagggg =*

syg kau matun =*
p/s : igt ak slalu taow. kalo ta, ak na lari marikh!! hee~

okeh, ka just pgg kate kate ak nie. taow!!
*ceh, padahal copy&paste jep! wee :p

- compared to friendship, gold is dirt :)
- friendship is like a violin, the music may stop now and then but the strings will last forever!! :)

btw thanks for the shawl and also the card!!! comel sgtt :) tp shawl tu kn ka sygg. npe bg ak! ishhh.
*geram taow takk!
bukak bukak jep gift uw, tgk shawl!! adoyy, npe bg ak? alahai. sedih ak taow!! hmm~
tape, nant ak bg ka jgak sumting, tp ak pas kat mk ka okeh! sbb ka tadek kat uma da nant. hee~
okeh lahh, ak sygg kau! jage diri kat sane taow! yg PENTING!!! jgn lupe ak and, gune taow bag and pencil case y kte beli same tuhh. huu~
*korg na tgk y ne?? nah, tgk nieee!

 cantek tak beg kteorg? *simple tp cute! HAHA

pencil case kteorg nie! dulu pon same jgak! hee~

okeh matun, slalu slalu lah kol ak nant taow! jgn lupe ak weh. i'm begging u.. sob3x :'(
*ayat org jiwang! :p
i love you matun, take care :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

hee~ *ke 3kali nie!*

okeh okeh, ak da fedap nie! rase mcm na g gegar jep bnde tu! eeeee. *panas nie!
eh, korg tentu na taow an npe ak panas. huh! bkn pe, masok nie da 3 kali ak posting bende y same. tp ta dek pon kat blog ak. huh!
*sape ta angin kn?
ok, ak just wat sinopsis tentang ape y ak post 2kali y lepas tu. hee :D
ak post y ak down sbb ta dpt U then de sorg kwn ak y baik hati nie bwak ak g release tnsyen kat pantai sepat! *pantai dye sgt cantek. omaigod!!!
okeh, ce korg tgk pic nieeee :p

okeh, mase nie da odw na balek actually. siyes! lepas pd tu ak feel like fresh kot :p
thanks nema! i love u.. :)
tgk pic nie plak!

then ari 2 jgak ak de kua ngn nema nie. tmn dye shopping jgak lahh! hee~
dye an na masok U 21may nie.. " u leave me nema??? i could u :("
hehe :D
tape tape, ak fhm tu! ka kat segamat an? so, dekat jep! *huh, bajet dekat kn!
kteorg beli jam same kot. tp ak punyer lg cun lah! HAHA
*jgn marah :p

 nie lah ape y kteorg mkn! wee~
*nema abis kn semue taow! HAHA

 cantek tak jam saye?? :)

 yg nie tak kn? HAHA

 pillow nie da ta jual kot! baru na beli same!! :(

okeh! tu jep pic y kteorg snap. hee~
dlm kol2 nema kne balik sbb family dye na g lawat adk dye kat hostel. ak pon kol abg ak and dye ambk ak kat kp then balik uma!!!
tu jep na crite. hee~

Thursday, May 5, 2011


assalamualaikum, hello, sawadikap guys :)
kali nie ak na join atu gieaway nie taow. ak telah di tag oleh miss saffa y sgt kiut miut nie!
thanks btw :)
okeh, sape sape yg ade TERbace entry nie kn? korg boleh join jgak taow! sronokkk :D hadiah dye pon mmg WOW!!!!! ngee~
na taow mcm ne care care dye? okeh easy! korg just klik kat banner bawah nie.. jumm lahh korg!

oleh itu dgn sukacita nye dan berbesar hati.. sya efa fahana ingin tag kn giveaway nie kpd kwn sya..

i'm done!!! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

hikayat 01.05.11 :)

hello guys :)
okeh kali nie ak na citer something y da lepas lahh! huhu. actually kn, ak jumpe kwn ak sorg nie y da lame berhijrah ke rawangg! *bapak jaoh dye membawe diri :D
dye dtg sinie dgn family dye taow. and kalo ta silap jgak dye dtg cnie sbb angah dye de renion ngn kengkwn lame. huu~
mmg agak tragis jgak lah perjalanan dye ke cnie. huu :) *na cter ke ta na yep.. hmmmmm. cter jep lahh!
dye smpai ktn dlm pkol 2pg kalo ta silap ak then homestay y dye booked 2 da tutop. ya Allah, bapak kcyan nyer kat dye! hehe
naseb bek lahh homestay y geng geng anagah dye uw de ruang utk dye n family. kalo tak!! ak ta taow lahh kat mane dyeorg na tdow. huu :)
tape tape, skang ka da slamat smpai an. hehe :D
ble dye da check out dr homestay uw, dye check in plak kat hotel grand. so, ak decide jmpe kat mega jep lahh sbb kalo na jmpe kat ecm. bapak lahh jaoh dye na jln an! kebetulan family ak g jum eboh time uww! ngee~
dlm kol 8lbeh uw ayh ak drop ak kat hotel trah uw *bajet hotel bapak trah plak!
then kteorg same same walking ke mega mall. ohh, lame sunggoh ak tidak menjejak kaki ke mega. sbb sbb sbb, ak suke lepak ecm dr mega :D
okeh, nie ha dye.. nant ak citer beria-ria tp korg ta knl plak an! hee~

ke ade sape sape na kwn ngn dye? nk? nk? korg leh add dye kat fesbuk! HAHAHA
nie link dye.. klik sinie *jd promoter plak ak nie!
pas gerak g mega uw, kteorg byk berjln then citer citer lahh! *almaklumlahh, lame ta jmpe kn? mmg smue citer lahh kua! HAHA
kbetulan dye na cri season so ak tmn lahh dye cari. mmg byk betol dye ambk. last last beli 1 jep! bkn na blanje ak ponnn! ngee~
tp dye baik taow sbb dye bg ak somethingggg! na taow pe.. hahhhh!
tgk pic nie.. :)

 y chainfon nie dye blanje taow!
nmpak ta y pink uw??
earfon dye bg!!
*mcm budak tecik lahh trahhh! :D

BTW jgak ak na btaow y fon kteorg same wehhhh! hehe
mmg best lahh kua mlm uw sbb mlm an? ne pnah ak kua mlm mlm! HAHA
mase jln jln uw ak singgah dees jap. and kebetulan de jual baju murah so, kteorg neli lahh! cntek wehh! comel sgttt :)

 comel kn?
nie y ak suke sgtt!

then pas uw ayh ak kol ckp adk da ngantok and na balik! so ak pon hntar trah ke hotel n tggu ayh ak kat situ jep lahh!
tp, ayh ak da smpai dlu hotel n ak cross the road ngn trah sbb ak nie fobia sikitt :p
pas salam salam uw trah bg ak tpop free taow! hehe

sronok kejap tp ta lame sbb maxis tarekkkk :(
*ak ta utang kau pon maxis bongokkkkk! grrrr

2 je kot ak na cter! tp, nant ak na cter lain plak! HAHA
gudnyte... ily <3
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